Any of you who have spent any amount of time with my children know that they have an abundance of energy. That fact can make life interesting, and a little bit chaotic, but I don't necessarily consider their energy level a bad thing. My big quest in life is to figure out some positive avenues for them to channel their energy, well the channeling has begun!
However, when it was his turn to kick, his offensive skills were shining like the sun!
Once he nearly kicked the ball out of the park, he made it to 1st base where his mentor and 1st base coach was there waiting. After some helpful hints ("when he kicks the ball, you run over there to 2nd base!"), Just Tanner was ready to round the bases and put a point on the board for his team, or at least he would have if they kept track of points.

Eventually even his defence improved, that makes me happy:), unfortunately I can't say the same happiness is shared by the landscaping crew. Sorry.

Tanner's energy is being released through good ole' fashioned KICKBALL, or as he lovingly calls it, "kickety-kick-ball."
Apparently, at first Just Tanner was unaware that there was more to kickety-kick-ball than just kicking. He must have assumed that he was standing in the outfield to act as a bug detective for the city landscaping committee.

However, when it was his turn to kick, his offensive skills were shining like the sun!
Once he nearly kicked the ball out of the park, he made it to 1st base where his mentor and 1st base coach was there waiting. After some helpful hints ("when he kicks the ball, you run over there to 2nd base!"), Just Tanner was ready to round the bases and put a point on the board for his team, or at least he would have if they kept track of points.
**Side note**-I am seeking advice from a seasoned mother, any seasoned mother. I feel like I have a fair amount of knowledge regarding the basics of the almighty kickball game. Being the wonderful mother that I am, I tried to share that knowledge with my second born, Just Tanner. He quickly turned to me and said, very sternly I might add, "Mom, I am pwaying (not a typo, l's are still a mountain he is trying to climb) kickety-kick- baww. Don't talk to me because I am twying to conthentrate!" However when Coach Luke steps in, Just Tanner is all ears. Now, when did I become an annoyance, and how long will this last?
Eventually even his defence improved, that makes me happy:), unfortunately I can't say the same happiness is shared by the landscaping crew. Sorry.
After the game, I got lucky and Just Tanner was willing to acknowledge me for a brief shining moment so I could snap his picture with his new friend and teammate. It is going to be a great summer!

Some of you may have noticed that Luke has many roles. On any given day he goes from Pirate Luke, to Indiana Luke, around the bend to Sheriff Luke, and back to the Mad Scientist. Well for this month, every Tuesday and Thursday at the same hour, I can be sure of the role he will be playing, "Very Awesome T-Ball Player Luke." I think that is one of my best.
Third base can be tough for some, but he frequently let me know that he was hangin-in-there with a trusty thumbs up.

His first game was quite exciting on the offensive end. He managed to hit one little guy square in the nose with a hard hit down the first base line, then his second hit smacked another little dude right in the neck. T-Ball Luke was mortified, but in the depths of my soul, there was a little part, evil as it may be, that thought it was awesome! Not that the other kids got hurt, that was not awesome, but they were really great hits. I know I know, I need to do some serious soul searching!
Some of you may have noticed that Luke has many roles. On any given day he goes from Pirate Luke, to Indiana Luke, around the bend to Sheriff Luke, and back to the Mad Scientist. Well for this month, every Tuesday and Thursday at the same hour, I can be sure of the role he will be playing, "Very Awesome T-Ball Player Luke." I think that is one of my best.
Third base can be tough for some, but he frequently let me know that he was hangin-in-there with a trusty thumbs up.
His first game was quite exciting on the offensive end. He managed to hit one little guy square in the nose with a hard hit down the first base line, then his second hit smacked another little dude right in the neck. T-Ball Luke was mortified, but in the depths of my soul, there was a little part, evil as it may be, that thought it was awesome! Not that the other kids got hurt, that was not awesome, but they were really great hits. I know I know, I need to do some serious soul searching!
By the last inning the coach moved him to short. He liked that position much better because he got to wrestle with his teammates for the ball a lot more, come to think of it, I'm not sure that we ever clearly explained that t-ball is a non-contact sport. I am putting that on my to do list right now.

As for Brielle's energy expendeture, she has found a new sport which luckily she finds quite entertaining. Have you ever heard of rock climbing? Well this is somewhat like it, without the rocks, or the required skill level. She has created the art of stroller climbing. I am always wishing that I could read her mind, but in this instance I am almost positive that her thoughts went something like this, "up. . . .down. . . .up. . . .down . . . .up. . . .down" and so on and so forth.
As for Brielle's energy expendeture, she has found a new sport which luckily she finds quite entertaining. Have you ever heard of rock climbing? Well this is somewhat like it, without the rocks, or the required skill level. She has created the art of stroller climbing. I am always wishing that I could read her mind, but in this instance I am almost positive that her thoughts went something like this, "up. . . .down. . . .up. . . .down . . . .up. . . .down" and so on and so forth.
Ahh, a GREAT SUMMER indeed!
Awww.....I just love your kids! I seriously can't get enough of them! I love Just Tanner's way of tawking :) I'll come down next week to watch the future stars play!!!
You are hilarious! I mess you guys! I'm excited to come watch the boys play!
ps...this is KYLEE. Your sister.
It is 12:16am and after a VERY long day of driving (riding) and a quick "sort through the mess" I was dying to check your blog before falling off to sleep. I can't wait to see you guys. It truly feels like it has been forever.
You're right, it is going to be a great summer!
Kaydee, this is Morgan's mom Penny, first off thanks for being such a great friend to Morgan. She loves you and she tells me about your kids all the time. She loves having one in her primary class. You are just starting to enter a very fun phase in your life. Hold on and enjoy the ride cuz it just gets crazy from here. Just don't get into the bleacher mom fights. Trust me it's tempting though
You are such a cute, creative mom. Your kids are very lucky to have you. I love the pictures and the story you told with them. I love "kickety kick ball." I can't believe how fast our kids grow up. We need to get together with all the C-10 girls (that are available) to have a reunion with kids. I would love to see you and your kids this summer. Let me know what you think.
Kickety kick ball! I catch Ethan saying stuff like that adding on his own twist to words! How cute! YOur boys are super energetic and I am sure very good at sports!
I want to sign Ethan up for Tee-ball sometime or soccer. I love to see little kids out there running around not having a clue what's going on! hahaha Seems like your kids know how to play the games though! Love summer!
Kaydee I love reading your posts and looking at all your fun pictures! You are so funny! Your kids are so cute!
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